Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Another post... so fast???

6 Months... thats the time we have already spent in Chennai..... and seems like we have been here for quite sometime now.. and frankly speaking.. no complaints till now :) Infact, I guess we are enjoying this city more than Bangalore.... we have kind of got used to the city.. :):)

Seen a lot of movies..the recent one being Kabul Express... good movie.... dont know what people were expecting out of this the general feedback is that movie lacks something... may be they were expecting some hindi movie heroics from John.. but according to me, the movie is good and practical... brings lots of thought provoking questions... like what are the hidden agendas and how things are manipulated.

Next in like.. .Happy Feet... hopefully that is going to be this weekend :):)

2007 is knocking the door... !! Dont believe in making any resolutions... but looking forward for a good and fruitful year !!!!

So what are your plans for the new year eve?????

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Havent been able to keep up my promise to update regularly..

Merry Christmas... this long weekend has been a bliss.. and loads of fun ... ofcourse.... loads of time for all the different TP activities : to laze around, move around and eat out a lot !!

Waiting for next long weekend.. thats the new year one..!! and yes.. we still need to find out a good new year eve option !!

Anyways... you all have a merry Christmas and a happy and joyful new year.!!!
